
Online Poker Legalization Illinois


Online Gaming Has Limited Presence Unlike many states in the USA, Illinois does currently offer some form of regulated Internet gambling. However, it may not be the kind of site you’re thinking of. While there are online casinos in Illinois, they are not state-regulated. The law in the State of Illinois as it relates to gambling is quite clear. In some states, whether or not the present law applies to playing poker, or in particular, playing poker online may be subject to at least some interpretation, however the law of Illinois speaks very plainly on the subject.

August 6, 2018

There is not a lot of time left in 2018 for various states to make their moves towards poker legalization, but some are more likely to do so than others. Illinois is one state where we could indeed see some movement on the issue. They have hinted at a desire to get in on the action in the past, and watching other states collect tax revenue from the practice almost certainly entices Illinois to want to do the same.

The legislature in Illinois had largely gone mum on the topic until recently. They did not report much progress on anything to do with it until a lawmaker announced that there would be two hearings held in regards to online poker in Illinois. He wants to make it known that the state is at least considering proposals for legal online poker within their boundaries in the near future.

Leading advocates for the legalization of online poker have been called in to testify during these hearings, so that is a hopeful sign for those who have been interested in exactly how this kind of legislation is going to move forward. The reality is that there are only a limited number of ways that this can happen, so it is comforting to see that the legislature is considering at least some of their options.


There are reasons for supporters of online poker to be pleased with the progress that has been made on the issue up to this point. For one, the ruling by the Supreme Court that sports wagering is to be made legal is a big step in the right direction. The other thing is that legal online poker has a lot of support among the people. It is something that people want to include alongside legal daily fantasy sports, and other gambling activities that they have been eager to embrace for a long time. The fact that more states have not gotten their act together with this is amazing and a little bit frustrating to those who are just ready to play their online poker already. There is still some hope that Illinois will get their act together on this one.

October 22, 2018

The state of Illinois is the most likely to be the next to join the four others that have legalized online poker. However, citizens of that state will very likely have to wait until at least 2019 before they are able to enjoy that freedom.

Online poker has been under consideration for legalization in Illinois for some time now, but the push to make it happen has picked up momentum since the Supreme Court made it possible for states to make their own choices in regards to the legalization of wagering on sports. This has made it possible for many states to consider what other forms of gambling they might like to legalize and regulate.

Illinois appeared to be one state where it just might be possible to have legal online poker towards the end of 2018. However, this has now been pushed back to 2019 as the most likely time when the game will be legal as other measures have taken priority in the state.

A hearing was scheduled for the middle of this month of October and those hearings were had. A lot of the hearing consisted of discussion of legalizing sports wagering and online poker took a bit of a back seat to the rest of the discussion. When the hearings were over it was decided that they would be picked back up in early 2019.

Online Poker Legalization Illinois 2019

Delays like this are unfortunately a big part of just about anything that happens in government. It is frustrating for those who are advocating for a particular issue that they care about, but that is just the way that the government works. It has to consider the concerns of all citizens and make decisions based on those considerations.

Legal online poker has been polling well and gaining support in places where it does not currently exist. This along with the fact that it can generate significant tax revenue for states that put it into practice are good reasons to bet that it is going to come not just to Illinois but to other states as well in the not so distant future.

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