
High Gain Tapered Slot Antenna


A tapered slot antenna or Vivaldi is a natural choice for this application, as it offers wideband performance with a modest footprint. The Vivaldi was originally proposed by Gibson in 1979. The tapered slot was coplanar, but an antipodal extension of this design was given by Gazit in 1988. The RFSPACE TSA600 is a high performance, low cost, wideband antenna optimized for high gain, low VSWR and broadband response. The matching network has been optimized for best VSWR and a clean impulse response. Every TSA600 antenna is individually tuned and tested. The tapered slot antenna (TSA) is one possible candidate to meet such requirements. TSA has already been utilized in UWB radar. In this case, the TSA featuring a relatively high gain of 10-15dB is used. Such requirement translates into the large length of the antenna being several wavelengths at the centre frequency of a given band.

  1. High Gain Tapered Slot Antenna Receiver
  2. Tapered Slot Antenna Design
  3. High Gain Tapered Slot Antenna Booster
  4. High Gain Tapered Slot Antenna Mounts

Main Article Content


This thesis’s focus is on design and implementation of high gain MMW probes to optimize the performance of detection/imaging systems. First, single-element broadside radiation microstrip antennas and novel probes of endfire tapered slot high efficient antennas are presented. Second, a 57-64 GHz, 1 × 16-element beam steering antenna array.

A broadband gradient refractive index (GRIN) metamaterial is used to improve the gain of the tapered slot antenna. The proposed metamaterial is capable of reducing the side lobe level of the antenna. The gradient refractive index (GRIN) metamaterial is constructed by using non-resonant parallel-line unit cells with different refractive index. Due to the non-resonant structure, the proposed unit cell exhibits low loss and large frequency bandwidth. The metamaterial, whose effective refractive index is lower than that of the substrate on which the antenna is printed. Therefore, the proposed metamaterial is act as a regular lens in beam focusing. The GRIN metamaterial is integrated in front of the antenna which has the capability to manipulate electromagnetic wave accurately. The measurement results indicate that the reflection coefficient of the antenna is below -10 dB over the frequency band from 3 to 11 GHz. The radiation pattern of the antenna shows the beam width becomes narrow and directive with low side lobe level. The peak gain is increased by 2.1 dB at 9.5 GHz.


Article Details

Singha, R., & Vakula, D. (2017). Low Side Lobe Tapered Slot Antenna with High Gain Using Gradient Refractive Index Metamaterial for Ultra Wideband Application. Advanced Electromagnetics, 6(4), 63-69. https://doi.org/10.7716/aem.v6i4.575
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  6. E. Gazit, Improved design of the Vivaldi antenna, Inst. Elect. Eng. Proc., 135: No. 2, 89–92, 1988.
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  9. K. Ma, Z. Q. Zhao, J. N. Wu, M. S. Ellis and Z. P. Nie, A printed Vivaldi Antenna with improved radiation patterns by using two pairs of Eye-Shaped Slots for UWB applications, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 148: 63-71, 2014.
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  10. A. De Oliveira, M. Perotoni, S. Kofuji, and J. Justo, A palm tree antipodal Vivaldi antenna with exponential slot edge for improved radiation pattern, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., 14: 1334–1337, 2015.
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  11. de Oliveira, Alexandre M., João F. Justo, Marcelo B. Perotoni, Sérgio T. Kofuji, Alfredo G. Neto, Regis C. Bueno, and Henri Baudrand, A high directive Koch fractal Vivaldi antenna design for medical near-field microwave imaging applications, Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett., 59, No. 2: 337-346, 2017.
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  12. Singha Rahul and Vakula Damera, Directive beam of the monopole antenna using broadband gradient refractive index metamaterial for ultra-wideband application, IEEE Access, 5: 9757–9763, 2017.
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2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)>626 - 629

High Gain Tapered Slot Antenna Receiver


A tapered-slot antenna (TSA) with microstrip-to-slotline transition is demonstrated for millimeter-wave wireless communications. Two antennas with different aperture widths and lengths are fabricated on a Teflon substrate (εr = 2.2, t = 10 mils), and result in a measured S11 < −8 dB with a gain of 11 dB and 7 dB at 55–63 GHz for an aperture of 3.5 mm and 1 mm, respectively. To validate its performance inside portable mm-wave systems, two metal shielding planes are placed above and below the antennas. The results show that the TSAs maintain good impedance matching and gain with a metal plane height of 1–3 mm, depending on the aperture. A four-element TSA array is also demonstrated for switched-beam systems.


book ISSN : 1522-3965
book e-ISSN : 1947-1491
book ISBN : 978-1-4244-9562-7
book e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-9563-4 , 978-1-4244-9561-0
DOI 10.1109/APS.2011.5996789


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Chiou, Yi-Chyun

  • Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, USA

Alhalabi, Ramadan A.

  • Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, USA

Rebeiz, Gabriel M.

Tapered Slot Antenna Design

  • Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, USA


Antenna measurementsAntenna radiation patternsGainMetalsMicrostripSlot antennaswidebandendfire antennaFermi-dirac distributionmicrostrip-to-slotline transitionmillimeter-wave communicationstapered-slot antenna

High Gain Tapered Slot Antenna Booster

Antenna measurementsAntenna radiation patternsGainMetalsMicrostripSlot antennaswidebandendfire antennaFermi-dirac distributionmicrostrip-to-slotline transitionmillimeter-wave communicationstapered-slot antenna

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High Gain Tapered Slot Antenna Mounts



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