Texas Holdem Online Tips
If you are looking for tips and advice to immediately fix your Texas Holdem game, you’ve come to the right spot. We provide tips, strategies, and advice on Texas Hold em poker that are designed to make a difference immediately. Having a proper and correct posture and outlook when playing Texas Hold em poker is imperative to one’s long-term success. To take care of one’s profit margins, a player should understand basic, intermediate and advanced Texas Hold em strategy.
Basic Texas Hold em Poker Advice
How To Count Outs – In Texas Holdem, the number of cards that will help a hand improve are known as outs. Find out how identifying and counting outs can help a poker player determine the odds of hitting their hand are, as well as how to determine if a drawing hand is worth chasing.
- Focusing on limpers is one of the best ways to increase your winrate and easily one of my favourite tips for Texas Holdem. #16 Position, Position, Position No not “location, location, location!” Just as location is the most important idea in real estate, position is the most important concept in poker.
- 21 Texas Holdem Tips the Pros Don't Want You to Know. Play Good Cards and You Will Win. My #1 Texas Holdem tip is one of the very first lessons in poker that any beginner needs to learn. Playing in Position is Winning Poker. The Most Important Texas Holdem Tip - Don't Tilt.
- Texas Hold 'Em Poker is a game that rewards good play. There's some luck involved, but a good player will beat bad players the vast majority of the time. Make sure you know the rules to increase your chances of winning.
Essential Texas Hold’em Tips. Casino Texas Hold’em tips will help you play your Texas hand like a pro. Having a few of Texas Hold’em tips up your sleeve can also improve your odds. Established poker players will tell you that poker is a game of skill and luck. Before you attempt to play a round off Texas Hold’em, you have to learn the. No-Limit Hold’em has become a worldwide sensation thanks to its “easy to learn, hard to master” format that makes it appealing to newcomers and long-time players. Considering how much money can be made by playing a good poker game it’s not surprising there is an overwhelming amount of resources dedicated to getting better at No-Limit.
How to Calculate Pot Odds – This article on holdem strategy goes hand in hand with knowing how to count outs. Pot odds are compared to the odds of hitting a hand. It is paramount to know how to figure out pot odds in determining whether or not you are correct in continuing in the hand.
Intermediate Level Texas Hold em Poker Advice
Once the foundation for Texas Hold em strategy has been laid, players can begin exploring more difficult concepts in poker that are designed to transform a poker player into a winning one. Here, players will learn of specific tactics that will help them turn a profit at the poker tables.
Pot Control – Establishing and maintaining control of the pot is one of the best ways to drive profits at the holdem tables. Find out how to control the pot and dictate the pace of the Texas Holdem hand.
Semi Bluff – Players think they have to bluff when playing poker. While this is true, the semi-bluff is a far safer form of bluffing, as players are bluffing in that they do not have a made hand, yet they are drawing to what can potentially become the best hand. Learn all about semi bluffing profitably in poker.
Texas Holdem Playing Styles – We provide a detailed look at the various ways to play Texas Holdem poker by looking at the different playing styles and poker strategies one can employ at the poker table. There’s no one correct way to play and poker players must adjust their game and strategy to suit the situation and table conditions.
Playing Texas Holdem from position – We look at playing from position and examine the concepts of relative and absolute position, as well as discuss the various strategies that should be employed from each position in Texas Hold em poker.
Blind Stealing – Everything you wanted to know about stealing blinds in Texas Holdem Poker, but were afraid to ask is discussed in detail in this article about stealing the blinds. Find out how and when to steal blinds, as well as what to do if someone attacks your blinds.
Advanced Texas Hold em Poker Advice
Thinking like a pro – When playing poker with the pros, it is important to understand how they think and view the game of holdem. Moreover, it is safe to assume that the pros are such because they are good at the game. Thus, thinking like they do in poker can assist the players in viewing the game of Texas Hold em properly and profitably.
Multi Tabling – Our guide to multi-tabling in online poker discusses the pros and cons of playing more than one table at a time, as well as discusses tips and tricks to playing multi-table Texas Holdem poker. Whether you are a seasoned multi-tabling vet or considering playing more than one poker table at a time, this is a must read.
Bankroll Management – Use this as your online guide to managing your poker bankroll. Here, we discuss common bankroll mistakes, and tips to improve your bankroll management skills.
Poker and Life
David ‘Orange’ Yee looks at playing poker online and travel in his excellent two part guide. In the first part of the guide he access these benefits of playing poker and travelling as a pro poker player. Then in his second guide he looks at what you need while travelling and where you should consider going.
David ‘Orange87’ Yee’s Poker Strategy
In this section we will present the poker musings of online professional David ‘Orange’ Yee who approaches poker in a highly technical, logical, and analytical fashion. David will present some common poker situations and analyze them to a degree of a poker pro.
- In poker we tend to play multi-way pots in similar fashion. After-all, how many ways can we play the pot? This guide looks at an Alternative Way to Playing Draws Out of Position On the Flop in Multi-Way Pots. We hope this will get you thinking about your game in a more ‘outside the box manner’ as it is the main theme of the poker strategy on this site.
- Deep stacked poker is amazing to play, especially in a world where 100bb poker is becoming somewhat standard. When playing with 200bbs+ each decision becomes less standard and mistakes are punished more severely. With more money at risk, those who adapt to deep NLHE better will yield greater returns versus those who succumb to pressure whilst holding a big stack. Read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 of David’s thoughts on Deep-stack No Limit Holdem play.
- There are times in poker where we take what we call a ‘standard’ line in common situations. Although in poker no two hands are ever the same, there are quite a number of hands that play out in similar fashion. We play all these hands as ‘standard’, maybe without even realising it. It is probably that our opponent does the exact same too. Okay, let’s step back and consider some changes. One important aspect to consider is gaining more value by under representing our hand. There are multiple complementary benefits to this (apart from the extra value) including the advantage of being a non-standard player and always have your opponent in the lurch about what you are going to do.
- Going with the theme of thinking outside the box, let’s look at our calling range on the flop (in position). Say we flop a monster draw in and our opponent bets. Why do we always raise? Or if we ask someone they say ‘oh that’s standard raise’! In this article Opening Your Flat Calling Range in Position with Stronger Draws we look at the advantages of just calling on the flop. Not only does it pose advantages in this initial hand but it also benefits us the next time our opponent bets into us on a draw heavy flop.
- There comes a time in a poker players career that he/she considers coaching or getting help to improve their game. Even the top poker players get some form of coaching, or at least spend a lot of time discussing and analyzing hands with like-minded players – after-all two heads are better than one. Part one of a two part series is a detailed discussion on poker coaching and includes everything you need to know before delving into the world of poker training. Part two of the series looks further into poker coaching and poses the question :- Am I ready for a Poker Coach?
- Every aspiring poker player wants more and more information. They want to learn all they can as fast as they can! Sometimes forking out for a training site subscription or a private poker coach is not always an option so players search the internet for any worthy sources where they can add to their current knowledge base. In this article; What External Resources to Improve As a Poker Player? we look at the best resources from across the web where you can comfortable find invaluable information for free. The Internet proves as a better medium for learning poker strategy as outdated ideas and concepts can be updated easily opposed to hard copies for poker books.
Texas Hold em Poker Tournament Advice
In our Introduction to Online Poker Tournament Strategy article, we look at the different poker strategies involved in the various stages of an online Texas Holdem Poker tournament. Here, the tournament poker player will learn about the proper strategy to employ across the various stages of a MTT.
Texas Hold em Tips & Advice for New Poker Players
So many poker shows on television glorify the game of Texas Hold em. We see young people gambling hundred of thousands of dollars every day at internet poker sites. With all the media attention poker has received in the last few years, it has been promoted to become a get rich quick scheme – but this just is not true. There are people who have become millionaires from playing poker, but these people have worked hard for their money. It is said that poker is the hardest way to make an easy living. What this means is you can make millions a year off poker but you also have to work hard for it.
New Player Tip #1 – Play, play, play!
When learning the game, you should try to play as many hands as possible. Many new players will spend too much time reading and not enough time playing. This is not saying that you should not be reading strategy articles; in fact, it is recommended to read Texas Hold em strategy to improve your game. As soon as you learn a new poker concept, you have to go and experiment with it at the Texas Hold em tables. It is no good knowing everything in theory but not knowing how to apply it in real Texas Holdem games; top online pros will play over one million hands a year. This should definitely be a sign that playing as many hands as possible will help you keep improving.
New Player Tip #2 – Always practice good bankroll management
One of the first concepts a new player should grasp when it comes to Texas hold em is bankroll management. A way to demonstrate this point is to think, if you have your whole bankroll on one table and you get unlucky on the turn of a card you lose everything you have to play with meaning you cannot play poker anymore. There are many articles that will go into bankroll management in much more details but for no limit Texas holdem a good place to start is never play anymore than 5% of your bankroll at any one table. This will protect you from the run of bad variance you are likely to have if you play a lot of poker.
Managing NL Texas Hold em Bankroll for Cash Games
This bankroll method is the first most players will learn when starting to play Texas hold em Poker. All you have to do is keep at least 2000 big blinds for the blind level you want to play. So using a basic example if you want to play at $0.05/$0.1 you would need at least $200 dollars in your bankroll. If you are very comfortable at a certain level and you are confident you can outplay to competition you may be able to drop this rule to 1500-2000 big blinds but as you start to move up above $0.25/$0.5 it would be advisable to keep at least 2000 big blinds in your account and then move down a level if you drop below this.
Managing a Poker Bankroll Using the Chris Ferguson Method
For those of you that don’t know, Chris Ferguson is a renowned pro with widespread success throughout the poker world. Using the bankroll method that will be explained in this section of the article Chris managed to successfully turn $1 into $20000. The idea of the method is to always have 20 buy-ins at the level you are playing in a cash game. However Chris didn’t buy in for the full amount he bought in for half the maximum buy in, so at NL 10 he bought in for 5$ and made sure he had $100 in his account at all times. When you drop below 20 buy-ins you must move down your limits so you have the 20 buy-ins needed at your limit. This bankroll method means that you will be switching between limits a lot more often than the classic bankroll method so only use this method if you feel you will be confident with frequent limit shifts.
Every pro at some point in his career experienced bad variance but the difference between a pro and an amateur player is that he has managed his bankroll so he can ride out the bad variance and wait for the upswing afterward. Which ever method you choose make sure you stick to it, and if you do there is no reason why you will ever have to deposit more money in poker again.
Hi, my name is Greg and I'm 32.
I'm trying to create the best poker strategy website I can. The poker game I am best at is No Limit Texas Hold'em, so my strategy focuses on that.
I didn't like the way I had to learn the game when I first started playing online poker in 2006, so I started this poker strategy website in 2007. ThePokerBank.com sounded good at the time, and I thought I'd figure the rest out as I went along.
This is what I've got so far.
I want to try and explain poker strategy better than anyone else, so that other people don't have to go through the same problems I did when trying to win money from poker. Poker is complex, but that doesn't mean it has to be complicated. Learning is easy if you can find the right material.
This isn't an all-singing and all-dancing poker website, I haven't got the time for that. It's Texas Hold'em strategy with a few things on the side. If anything's singing and dancing it's me.
Who doesn't love Shania Twain?
What is ThePokerBank all about?
Online Texas Holdem Tips

The general idea of ThePokerBank is to teach you how to play winning no limit Texas Hold'em and help you find a better room to play at. Basically, I want to help you win more money from playing Texas Hold'em online.
To summarize the goals of ThePokerBank as sweetly as possible:
- Teach quality Texas Hold'em strategy through articles and videos. The better you play the more you win.
- Give honest reviews of Texas Hold'em rooms. I'm not going lie and tell you that every room is perfect.
Tip: If you ever get lost, cut your losses and head to the Texas Hold'em FAQ.
Playing Texas Hold'em poker online.
There are multiple options for playing Texas Holdem online. I've given honest reviews of these rooms in the Texas Hold'em rooms section.
I urge you to check out a variety of the top Texas Hold'em rooms on this site and go for the one you like the most. Make your own decisions (it's a running theme in poker) and be happy with the room you decide to play at.
Different players have different tastes and expectations, so play at the room that you like best and don't worry about what others may be claming to be the 'bestest room ever'.
Feeling comfortable while you play is more important than any other metric.
My top 5.
Different rooms appeal to different types of players. You should check out the reviews and go for the one you think suits you best. Everyone has their favourite chair, everyone has their favourite poker room.
Having said that, I do have incredibly good taste, so here are my favourite 5 rooms for playing Texas Hold'em poker online.

Room | Review | Rating | Traffic | Competition | Bonus | Visit |
Ignition Poker | A+ | High | Weak | $1,000 | Visit | |
SwC Poker | A | Low | Weak | - | Visit | |
Americas Cardroom | A | High | Tricky | $1,000 | Visit | |
Betsafe Poker | B | High | Average | €2,000 | Visit | |
Nitrogen Poker | B | Awful | Weak | - | Visit |
Useful Texas Hold'em stuff.
Along with the strategy and room information on this site, there are a few other things you may find useful:
- SplitSuit explains poker strategy in video like nobody else I know.
- The bankroll calculator helps you to figure out what stakes to play at.
- I've got a poker software section. Good software will help you win more money.
- Here are some opinions on poker books.
A bit more about guy behind ThePokerBank.
My name is Greg (see right, fuzzy hair is due to the 2020 lockdown), I'm from the UK and I started ThePokerBank in 2007. You can find out more gripping stuff about me on my about me page.
Why should you trust my strategy and advice?
I'm not a full time professional or live tournament player, so don't expect to see me on TV shows or in any poker history books. Not yet anyway.
Despite that major set back, I am a comfortable winning online Texas Hold'em cash game player up to $200NL, which is good enough for me. I've also played at more online poker rooms than most people would consider healthy.
All the information on this site is free. Feel free to comment around. Consistency isn't really my thing so don't be offended by untimely replies, but if I stumble back in to a responsive state I'll give you the best reply I can. I just want to say the fact that you are adding to the strategy pages is appreciated.
Recent updates.
Online Texas Holdem Money
- 16 November 2020 - Added map of regulated states to US poker rooms page.
- 30 October 2020 - Added maps to room review pages showing the countries they each accept.