Roulette Double Dozen Strategy
18+ New eligible UK players only. Offer must be claimed within 14 days of registration. All wager-free spins are available on Starburst Roulette Double Dozen Strategy and have a £0.10 value each; expire 5 days after credited. All Roulette Double Dozen Strategy winnings from the wager-free spins will be paid out in cash. Play Responsibly. Only Bet Short-Term Roulette Strategies. Lots of roulette strategies aim to make a 1-unit profit per session. Unless your units are in hundreds or thousands, it’s not enough to make a real difference anyway. But for the sake of argument, let’s assume that winning 1 unit a session is the be-all and end-all for winning roulette.
Quote from a Las Vegas gambler: “I hope I break even this week. I need the money.”
A roulette wheel is divided into 38 sections, numbered from 1 to 36, 0 and 00. 18 of the sections numbered from 1 to 36 are black and 18 are red. The sections 0 and 00 are green.
You can bet on individual numbers, combinations of numbers, or colors, before the wheel is spun, by placing chips in appropriate sections on the betting layout
The wheel is spun by a casino employee, who then spins a ball along the wheel in the opposite direction. The ball comes to rest in one of the 38 sections, which then becomes the winning section. Players who bet on the winning section are paid off accordingly. For example, a winning bet on #17 pays 35 to 1 odds. A winning bet on red sections pays 1 to 1 odds, or “even money.”
What happens to the roulette gambler in repeated play?
Since the chance is 18 in 38 that the winning section will be red, the “law of averages” states that in repeated play red will come up an average of 18 times in 38 spins. Similarly, #17 will come up, on average, once in 38 spins. So if you repeatedly bet $1 on red, on average, you will win 18 times and lose 20 times in every 38 bets, for an average net loss of $2 per 38 spins = $2/38 = $.053 (5.3 cents) per bet. Likewise, since the chance is 1 in 38 that #17 will be a winning section, the law of averages states that in repeated play, #17 will come up about once every 38 spins. So if you repeatedly bet $1 on #17, on the average you will win once and lose 37 times in every 38 bets, for an average net loss (taking into account the payoff odds) of 35x$1 – 1x$37 per 38 spins, or $2/38 = $.053 per bet.
For bets like this, the player will eventually lose at the rate of 5.3% of all money bet and casino will make a 5.3% profit.
Are there any strategies that circumvent the casino’s 5.3% profit margin (sometimes called the “House Edge”). Consider the “double-down” strategy:
- On the first bet, wager $1 on red. If red comes up, you win $1. Quit.
- On the 2nd bet (if red didn’t come up on the first bet): Double your bet and bet $2 on red. If red comes up, you win $2, covering your $1 loss on the first bet and leaving you a $1 profit. Quit.
- On the 3rd bet (if red didn’t come up on the first two bets): Double your bet and bet $4 on red. If red comes up, you win $4, covering your previous $1 and $2 losses and leaving you a $1 profit. Quit.
- Etc
By the laws of chance, eventually red has to come up, at which point you quit a winner!!!
Is there anything wrong with this strategy?
All casino games have a house limit. If you encounter an unlucky streak of losses, the amount you need to bet may exceed this limit, thus causing you to not cover your losses.
Most people have a limit. If you encounter an unlucky streak of losses, the amount you need to bet may exceed this limit, also causing you to not cover your losses.
Although unlikely, if red fails to come up 15 times in a row, on the 16th bet, you must wager $32,768 in an attempt to come out $1 ahead. Most casinos will not allow such a bet.
Alas, it turns out that the double-down strategy, although deceptively appealing, is no different from other roulette bets: In the long run, the gambler will still lose at the rate of $.053 per dollar bet.
It should be noted that the double-down strategy says to quit as soon as you win. What does it mean to quit? Does it mean that as soon as you win your dollar you never come back to the roulette table again? Or does it mean to go have a drink and then start over? For most gamblers, it means the latter. Sadly, if you quit forever, you wouldn’t be a gambler anymore.
By Ion Saliu, Founder of Gambling Mathematics

First captured by the WayBack Machine ( April 15, 2001.
- A hostile casino executive, the chairman of MGM Grand Casino, John Schroder, offered a so-called roulette system to visitors of this website. The system followed his threat to gamblers who would dare to write down roulette spins inside the casino, therefore proving usage of Ion Saliu's gambling systems.
- The chairman also conspired with a famous gambling system developer and gambling book writer, a notorious casino mole: John Patrick. They both wanted me drown in a legal quagmire: Facilitating underage gambling! The truth is axiomatic, self-evident: My website is about probability theory; it is NOT a gambling venue. Nobody can gamble at my Web site! Even the Dracgoogla (i.e. Google) insane and arrogant idiots consider me a... casino! They ask me to show them a casino license number and spend at least $10,000 a month if I want to enroll in AdWords!

The roulette system proposed by the MGM Grand Casino boss is a copycat from the James Bond books. Bond always played two dozens and always... won! The reality is very different: Mathematics is not fiction. My Super Roulette Strategy Systems demonstrates how to best apply a 2-dozen or 2-column roulette betting system. The casinos gave me a very hard time when I applied my roulette systems in Atlantic City (I exposed a lot of true facts, including casino employee names and badge numbers.)

Ultimately, more often than not, individuals of this type have their own gambling or lottery systems — albeit they publicly fight the validity of such systems! Their main concern is to keep the attention away from Ion Saliu's creations.
What a curious disease jealousy is when etched on a bloated ego and seeded in a deep complex of inferiority! It is a pathetic mixture of hypocrisy and schizophrenia!
'I received a phone call
From one who claimed was tall.
Then, he cursed me even worse
For my gambling on the horse.'
Written on March 07, 2001.
• There is an unselect group of computing beasts who keep their heads in the grass. Their desire is to see me stop my activities, idealistic and realistic endeavors. They are using all kinds of snaky tactics in their pathetic attempts: threats, intimidation, intimidation of my guests, curses… You get the picture. I do not hesitate to bitch, and bastard, and butt-kick the unselect bunch. I have no choice. It is a requirement of the ubiquitous FearSurvival system. Any time I meet a no-real-name, I must consider it a candidate for the above unselect bunch. Do I feel remorse? Absolutely not. Every kind of computing beast has a specific message-getting receptor. It has worked quite efficiently for this website. Honest websites have been closed of because of a few bullish idiots. There were attempts to bring this very site to the same closure. No way. I am not asleep and I am not alone. My sometimes-harsh words have done the job.
Shortly, to the troublesome passage in your post. I thought you were living in the Taliban Desert:
- 'Although your statement is true, you should read up on the 'right to refuse service to anyone' clause of any business establishment in Nevada. This also applies to casinos, and trust me... is used EACH AND EVERY DAY to remove suspicious people from our realm.'
My only answer here, to you and anyone else. Nevada is a part of the United States. The United States of America is governed by the Constitution of The United States of America. The 'right to refuse service to anyone' is flagrantly against the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution. Just briefly now, a private golf club in the South refused membership to a minority player. A private fast-food chain refused service to minorities. The incidents were “Equal Protection Clause” tested. That's enough. Or am I expected to legally advise the casinos? Sooner or later, the long arm of the law will reach anywhere. The blow of the law will be even more devastating when class action suits are considered. Think of the once-mighty tobacco… I recommend to those who intend to use my systems to consider group playing. Class action suits would be more attainable.
• • Your post, actually, increased my appetite to make a terrible system... work! I am referring to the system you “presented” in your incipient post. You should have done the honorable thing and admit that it was the infamous “James Bond roulette system”. I presented previously the infamous system on my message board and also on the Roulette Mathematics, Systems page. In Ian Fleming's Casino Royale, James Bond ALWAYS plays the first two dozens: 1-12 and 13-24. James… James Bond is quickly ahead a half million francs! Well, he hasn't a clue what theory of probability is. Nevertheless, the winning probability playing two dozens in single-zero roulette games is p=24/37=64.86%, almost 65% (63.16% for a double-zero table).
In fact, chances are good that a player can win in the first try. But playing many spins in a row gives the player the probability to lose according to the house edge. I quote now from a good publication: The Encyclopedia of Gambling by Carl Sifakis, page 41.
- “... Not long ago in a German casino two young men talking in Swiss-accented German were sitting off to the side reading a French version of a James Bond novel, Casino Royale. They were, they were sure, going to beat the house at roulette. Hadn't 007 done so? … The last ten spins were 8 numbers over 24 and 2 zeroes. This meant they were out 2000 marks. Now they are doubling up on their bets and guess what came up…another zero! ... ”

Only a Kasino pfat-kat can recommend a system as such! (I know, Ian Fleming was not an affiliate! He only tried to make the fiction more exciting…) Only an Anti-kasino-phat-kat can have the guts to make a fruitless system work according to mathematics. I am the one! Your regrets came too late, incipient phony-system-presenter!
Anyone can use my free software FORMULA and especially SuperFormula. It's on my hundreds-times-a-day visited software download site (see link below). We are going to do brain surgery on the ill-fated Bond system.
We are going to make good use of the standard deviation. I ran the program for the Bondish roulette game. Here is the file FORMULA generated:
I would recommend a player play first in 100-spin sessions. If you are afraid of writing (hey, why, that's one of the things that differentiate us from the monkeys: we can write!), you can memorize a few numbers. If you play always two dozen/two column (any two you want), you should expect 65 wins in 100 spins. In most, by far most situations, the number of your wins will not be exactly 65. (Use the option #2 in the same program to see the actual probability of EXACTLY 65 successes in 100 trials.) The number of your successes will be sometimes less than the expectation, sometimes above the expectation.
And here is how you can mathematically improve the outcome of playing the once-phony-now-mathematical Bond roulette system. You play your very first session at the table's minimum bet. Keep a record of how many spins you play—until reaching 100. Keep a record of HOW MANY TIMES YOU WON. If you won more than 65 times, play the next 100-spin session at the same bet level. If you won less than 65 times, increase the bet level in your next session. If you still lose the second session, just increase the bet above the previous level. Chances are pretty that your sessions will fluctuate above and below the standard deviation. They don't call it such a beautiful name without a reason. By the way, if your bankroll is smaller, you can apply this system in 50-spin sessions.
- I greatly improved the so-called James Bond Roulette Strategy, System by incorporating it in the famed Super Roulette Strategy. It belongs to the category labeled Systems Based on Probability p = 2/3 or 66%:
- Super Strategy: The Best Roulette Systems by the Best Roulette Player Ever — no doubt about it!
- You can see how I applied the (in)famous James Bond Roulette Strategy, System at the Trump Taj Mahal casino and the reactions it triggered:
- Casinos Bar, Ban Winning Gamblers, Skilled Gambling Players.
I have offered even more tools. Download also SPINS or, better still, SuperRoulette, and use the mathematical roulette software as training. Generate 100-spin sessions; they are as good as real casino roulette spins. You can see how things emerge.
Best of luck to all intelligent and honest casino players!
Read Ion Saliu's first book in print: Probability Theory, Live!
~ Founded on valuable mathematical discoveries with a wide range of scientific applications, including probability theory applied to casino, gambling, systems, blackjack, roulette, horse racing, sports betting, mathematics.
•This message was provoked by an alleged casino top executive, John Schroder, Chairman of MGM Grand (who almost swore he was for real): Roulette System, Threat by Casino Chairman of MGM Grand.
In a way, the alleged executive's message is an endorsement of my mathematical theories and systems. If the gambling systems were not valid, why bother to risk being rear-end kicked by an understandably angered author?! I want to stress again that the casinos have no legal grounds for banning record-keeping by the players. Record-keeping is also a requirement of tax laws. The rules imposed by private entities do not take precedence over the laws.
The conspiracy is proven in this post signed Jackal, who is none other than noted gambling system developer and book author John Patrick: Anti-gambler advice from John Patrick, casino mole extraordinaire and conspirator.
They “planned” (in fact, conspired) their thread in my forum and published it in a coordinated effort. The Old Jackal (in his late fifties or early sixties at the time) posed as a teenager with a strong interest in gambling! The Chairman wanted also to hit me for “condoning underage gambling at my Web site”! They were certain I would get intimidated, fold up shop, close down my website... and possibly gamble only on my own, if I were not totally scared! NOT!
What rattled them and other casino executives and gambling “authors” and gambling vendors, was a collection of roulette systems I generously promoted under the name of Super Roulette Strategy. There is a link below. There is also software that supports the theoretical roulette systems. The special roulette software, SuperRoulette, can analyze both real casino roulette spins and randomly generated spins — thousands of them. Single-zero and double-zero roulette games are supported and treated separately.
•For the best mathematical casino gambling strategy for big–time gamblers (a.k.a. kokodrilos) read:
Super Roulette Strategy Systems Now Free (applicable to craps, blackjack, baccarat, casino war as well).
Roulette: Software, Systems, Super Roulette Strategy
See a comprehensive directory of the pages and materials on the subject of roulette, software, systems, and the Super Strategy.American Roulette Strategy

- Theory, Mathematics of Roulette Systems, Strategies, Software.
- An inventory of free and outrageously pricedroulette systems from many gambling developers.
- Demise of Gambler's Fallacy, Reversed Gambler's Fallacy.
- Probability, Odds to Win Roulettein Various Number of Spins: To Be Ahead and Quit.
- Roulette Systems on Wheel Position, Sectors, SlotsBirthday Paradox.
- DownloadSoftware: Casino Gambling, Roulette, Blackjack, Baccarat, Craps.
• Specific software for roulette
~ RouletteHemis, roulette spins analyzer regarding the slot location and the Birthday Paradox;
~ SPINS, roulette spin generating application, plus a statistical analyzer of the roulette spins;
~ Roulette, does what SPINS does, and then some; this program adds a new system to the free roulette system #1 presented on the main roulette.htm page;
~ SuperRoulette, accompanies the incredible Super Roulette Strategy with the Best Roulette Systems Ever Released. Read this carefully, for you could strike it real BIG.
Read also similar casino reaction towards yours truly, and gambling mathematics in general:
- Roulette System, Threat by Casino Chairman of MGM Grand named John Schroder- 3/05/2001.
- Response to Threat, Attack from a Casino Chairman and Gambling Writer from Ion Saliu- 3/05/2001.
- Casino Chairman Strengthens Threats Against Saliu Gambling System Players by John Schroder- 3/06/2001.
- Anti-gambler Advice: John Patrick, Casino Mole, ConspiratorJackal (in truth, John Patrick, gambling author paid by casinos)- 3/07/2001.
- Wizard of Odds Had High Praise for Ion Saliu's Gambling Theory (about Michael Shackleford)- 6/22/2000.
- Gamblers' Fallacy: Doctrine of Maturity of Chances, Wizard of Odds.
- Casino chairman recommends two-to-one (2-1) roulette systems by John Schroder- 3/07/2001.
- Gambling Formula, Randomness, Norman Wattenberger, Abuse of Laws, Narcissism of Bogus Complaints from Norman Wattenberger- 4/13/2000.
- Gambling Mathematics in Blackjack Proves Deception of Card-Counting Systems.