Ncaa Student Athlete Gambling Rules
Despite NCAA regulations prohibiting sports wagering for money, 26 percent of male student-athletes report doing just that, with 8 percent gambling on sports at least monthly. Of particular concern is the culture surrounding golf, where on-course wagering is considered a normative aspect of the experience. The NCAA has conducted studies on student-athlete gambling behavior every four years since 2004. The most recent in 2016 surveyed more than 22,000 current college athletes across all three NCAA divisions about their attitudes toward and engagement in various gambling activities, including sports wagering. NCAA rules prohibit participation in sports wagering activities and from providing information to individuals involved in or associated with any type of sports wagering activities concerning intercollegiate, amateur or professional athletics competition.
Currently, sports betting is now legal in 13 states with 6 more states reported to begin within the next year. This comes after a 2018 Supreme Court decision to return such control to the states.
An NCAA athlete’s participation in sports gambling, or sharing information that can be used by sports gamblers, can result in being ruled ineligible by the NCAA. The rule also includes coaches and athletic staff members as well with possible penalties imposed on the school.
What the NCAA Gambling Rule Covers
The prohibition on betting includes not only college sports but also professional sports if that same sport is a recognized NCAA-sponsored sport. For example, betting on horse racing, while frowned upon, is not prohibited, while betting on professional baseball, basketball, football, etc. is absolutely prohibited.
The NCAA gambling prohibition also extends to fantasy leagues that provide a prize based on the outcome of league standings.
Participation in a “pool” as is common with the NCAA March Madness basketball tournament is also prohibited for those in NCAA athletics.
Athletes, coaches, and staff members of NCAA athletic programs must also be very careful not to share information that can be used by gamblers, such as key players being unable to play in an upcoming game due to injury, illness, or other reason.

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Ncaa Student Athlete Gambling Rules Against

2.2 The Principle of Student-Athlete Well-Being. 2 2.3 The Principle of Gender Equity. 2 2.4 The Principle of Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct. 2 2.5 The Principle of Sound Academic Standards. 3 2.6 The Principle of Nondiscrimination. 3 2.7 The Principle of Diversity Within Governance Structures. 3 2.8 The Principle of Rules Compliance.
As more states across the country legalize sports betting, the NCAA monitoring of athletes, coaches and athletic staff is becoming more difficult but I expect the NCAA to become more vigilant with penalties when caught.
Ncaa Gambling Rules
If you have any questions regarding the NCAA rules on sports gambling, send an email to or call us at 913-766-1235.