
Gambling Advertising Restrictions Australia


Gambling Advertising Restrictions Australia International

Gambling advertising restrictions australia gold coast

The province of New South Wales in Australia bans gambling advertising. Under the New South Wales Betting and Racing Act, it is an offense to issue “a gambling advertisement that offers any inducement to participate, or participate frequently, in any gambling activity (including an inducement to open a betting account).”. NSW has the toughest gambling advertising restrictions and associated penalties in Australia. These restrictions are focused on, but not limited to, inducements to gamble. This approach aims to reduce the significant gambling-related harms that may be caused by gambling inducements. What cannot be advertised. Overview of gambling advertising laws in Australia T he advertisement of online gambling services is regulated primarily at a Federal level by the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 (Cth) (IGA). The IGA regulates the provision of ‘interactive gambling services’ in Australia. These are gambling services provided by an internet. NSW has the toughest gambling advertising restrictions and associated penalties in Australia. These restrictions are focused on, but not limited to, inducements to gamble. This approach aims to reduce the significant gambling-related harms that may be caused by gambling. In Australia, gambling operators that seek to legitimately advertise their products and services are subject to a comprehensive framework of codes, regulations and legislation.


Competion and Consumer Act 2010
The Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA) is the central piece of legislation relevant to Australian advertising, and covers the relationships between suppliers, wholesalers, retailers and customers. Its purpose is to promote fair trading and competition, and provide protections to customers. (Download Fact Sheet)


AANA Code of Ethics
The AANA Code of Ethics is the cornerstone of the advertising self-regulatory system, and is supported by advertisers, media agencies, creative agencies and media owners across Australia. It applies to any medium as per its definition. The Code is supplemented by a number of product-specific codes, and is underpinned by an independent complaints handling system administered by Ad Standards.

Gambling Advertising Restrictions Australia Fires

Ad Standards & The Community Panel
Ad Standards administers the AANA’s national system of self-regulation, and manages the complaints resolution process. Ad Standards functions as the secretariat for the AdStandards Community Panel and the AdStandards Industry Jury – two independent bodies established to determine consumer and competitor complaints against the AANA Codes.

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