Casino House Always Wins

This is known as the House Edge or Casino Advantage. Every bet you make has a certain probability of winning or losing. If you bet on the flip of a coin, the probability of heads or tails is 50-50. This would be an even money bet. Main Quest: The House Always Wins I Speak to Swank at the reception desk when first entering The Tops Casino. Present a combination of 3 Speech checks/pieces of evidence and Swank will distract Benny to let you search his room for evidence. The odds are 12 to 1 against you, but the house only pays 11 to 1. This is how the casino wins even when you win. Another way to say it is: 'When you lose the house wins, when you win the house also wins.' Still, craps is a fun and exciting game. The house always wins. Sure, you might win in the short term, but if you gamble for an extended period of time you will lose money. How would people be able to build multi million dollar casinos in Las Vegas unless they made profits, huge profits. No matter what game you play in a casino you lose money if you play long enough. Albert's friend, Oscar, has designed a game of chance where the probability of losing is 1/4. Nothing can go wrong for Albert with these odds, right?Script.

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Projects > The House Always Wins -Early Draft