
Balance Druid Best In Slot Gear


Dec 18, 2020 Recommended Gear for Restoration Druids in Shadowlands What is the BiS Restoration Druid gear? With many different sources of gearing and loot scarcity in Shadowlands, targeting your absolute Best in Slot gear isn't entirely realistic; instead, we've created a Best in Slot list from the ideal Restoration Druid raid drops found in Shadowlands, from Mythic Dungeons, to help you decide what to.

  1. And if you'd like to learn about other Best in Slot items, from sources other than crafting, check out our Best in Slot guides: Balance Druid DPS Feral Druid DPS Feral Druid Tank Druid Healing Hunter Mage Retribution Paladin Paladin Healing Paladin Tank Shadow Priest Priest Healing Rogue Elemental Shaman Enhancement Shaman Shaman Healing.
  2. With many different sources of gearing and loot scarcity in Shadowlands, targeting your absolute Best in Slot gear isn't entirely realistic; instead, we've created a Best in Slot list from the ideal Balance Druid raid drops found in Shadowlands, from Mythic Dungeons, to help you decide what to prioritize.

Versatility is key

The Druid can be considered the ‘jack of all trades’ class in WoW Classic. After all, they can do what other classes can—though not at the same level that specialized classes can. It’s the price they pay for their versatility. When a class can do anything, how can you choose a build for them? Will you be a DPS, a Tank, or a Healer? What about a Hybrid? Let’s answer those questions, as well as which WoW Classic items you need for the build.

Balance Druid Best In Slot Gear

Take Advantage of Flexibility

For a class that can’t match up in sheer ability to play a role, the best thing it can do is to make up for it through flexibility. Druids are exceptional at taking over roles in a pinch. Healer in trouble? Use the bear form and take the heat off of them. Main DPS fell? Use the cat form to dish out damage—at least until they can get back on their feet. With the correct build, they can even take over healing duties for a time.

To take full advantage of this unique characteristic, the best build you can use is the Hybrid DPS/Tank Feral Druid build. Why this particular build, you ask? Well, it allows you to focus on one talent tree, the Feral Combat one. Beef up your Bear and Cat forms by taking everything except Feral Aggression, Feline Swiftness, and Brutal Impact.

You’d still get a few talents from other trees, enough to get Nature’s Grasp and Omen of Clarity from the Balance tree. There’s also Furor from the Restoration one. Otherwise, a majority of your points should go to Feral Combat. If you can sacrifice one point from your other abilities, the Natural Shapeshifter talent would help a little as well.

Gearing Up

Balance Druid Best In Slot Gear

Here are the best in slot WoW Classic items for a Feral Druid Hybrid.

Weapon: Grand Marshal’s Punisher (one-handed), Manual Crowd Pummeler (two-handed, as long as it has charges)

Off-Hand: Tome of Knowledge

Trinkets: Counterattack Lodestone, Blackhand’s Breadth, Drake Fang Talisman

Necklace: Onyxia Tooth Pendant or Prestor’s Talisman of Connivery

Ring: (pick a combination of any two) Quick Strike Ring, Don Julio’s Band, Circle of Applied Force, Band of Accuria

Head: Wolfshead Helm


Chest: Malfurion’s Blessed Bulwark or Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Breastplate

Legs: Marshal’s Dragonhide Legguards

Gloves: Marshal’s Dragonhide Gauntlets

Boots: Marshal’s Dragonhide Boots or Boots of the Shadow Flame

Shoulders: Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Spaulders


Wrists: Forest Stalker’s Bracers

Belt: Cloudrunner Girdle

Back: Cloak of Draconic Might

For sure, some of these WoW Classic items can cost a considerable amount of WoW Classic gold. Others are drops from some bosses or world drops. Either way, you’d probably end up spending a lot to gear up your Feral Druid.

As for Enchantments, make sure to focus on either increasing your damage output or tanking ability. Sure, you can also choose to enhance both, but the difference wouldn’t be as substantial as it can be if you simply focused on one. Consumables can also help you make up for the missing firepower you lack.

Jack of All Trades, Master of None

Remember, you’re not aiming to beat out specialized classes in their role. Your job as a Druid is to fill in the gaps in the group’s composition as you progress through the raid or dungeon. As a master of none, all you can play up is the class’ flexibility.

Don’t worry if you can’t reach the numbers that other classes can. Worry if it does happen because that means there’s something wrong with their build. At any rate, enjoy playing a Feral Druid!

Have fun playing WoW Classic!

Giving a complete BiS list makes a lot of sense, specially in an environment of cluttered and outdated information. To keep things simple, here is a list of items that will get you high rankings in the logs!

Click to read more about Balance Druids Stat Priority in 6.2

Most Important Bosses for Coins and Raid Participation 10/13

Archimonde: 3
Xhul’horac: 2
Gorefiend: 2
Tyrant Velhari: 2
Kormrok: 1
Mannoroth: 1
Kilrogg Deadeye: 1
Fel Lord Zakuun: 1
Shadow-Lord Iskar: 1
Iron Reaver: 1

Don’t use coins on Tier items, as these are the first to go for Off-Specc. Coins should be used on Trinkets/Rings/Weapons

Best Balance Druid Tier 18 Items

BiS Balance Druid Tier 18 Head Piece:Oathclaw Helm
Drops from: Kormrok
Item Level 725 – Crit + Mastery

BiS Balance Druid Tier 18 Shoulder Piece: Oathclaw Mantle
Drops from: Xhul’horac
Item Level 725 – Haste + Mastery

BiS Balance Druid Tier 18 Chest Piece: Oathclaw Vestment
Drops from: Mannoroth
Item Level 725 – Haste + Mastery

BiS Balance Druid Tier 18 Legs Piece: Oathclaw Leggings
Drops from: Gorefiend
Item Level 725 – Multistrike + Mastery

Best Balance Druid Hellfire Citadel Items (None Tier Slots)

BiS Balance Druid Neck: Vial of Immiscible Liquid
Drops from: Xhul’horac
Item Level 730 – Crit + Mastery

BiS Balance Druid Cloak: Shawl of Sanguinary Ritual
Drops from: Kilrogg Deadeye
Item Level 725 – Mastery + Multistrike

BiS Balance Druid Wrist: Manacles of the Multitudes
Drops from: Fel Lord Zakuun
Item Level 730 – Crit + Mastery

BiS Balance Druid Gloves: Felfinger Runegloves
Drops from: Archimonde
Item Level 735 – Haste + Mastery

BiS Balance Druid Belt: Belt of Misconceived Loyalty
Drops from: Shadow-Lord Iskar
Item Level 725 – Crit + Mastery

BiS Balance Druid Feet: Oppressor’s Merciless Treads
Drops from: Tyrant Velhari
Item Level 730 – Crit + Haste

BiS Balance Druid Ring (Not Including Legendary): Loathful Encrusted Band
Drops from: Tyrant Velhari
Item Level 730 – Mastery + Multistrike

BiS Balance Druid Trinket (Excluding Class Trinket): Iron Reaver Piston
Drops from: Iron Reaver
Item Level 720 – Crit + Haste

BiS Balance Druid Weapon (Excluding BiS Edict of Argus): Spur of the Great Devourer
Weapons contain Spell Power in large quantities. Spell power is almost as powerful as Intellect which makes it almost 3 times better than any other Stat. Use the HotBD Balance Druid Checker to learn more.


Intellect Weapons that does not contain Spirit will always be a greater upgrade dependent on Item level.

Use our Item checker tool to check if your new item is an upgrade or not by simply typing in the stats: Balance Druid Gear Checker

Balance Druid Best In Slot Gear - Image Results

Click for more information about the Balance druid’s DPS rotations in patch 6.2 or check out our in-depth description of Balance druid’s best stats list.

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